Sunday, April 26, 2009

4/13/09 ● St. Lucia

We hoisted sail and made the passage to St. Lucia on 23 March arriving in Rodney Bay and, after attempting three locations, settled into an anchorage off Pigeon Island. There, we were delighted to find Cat Tales, Dawn and Laurie, a Canadian couple we’d last seen in Bermuda. On 26 March, Bill ventured ashore and hired a mini-bus for trip to the airport at the south of the island to meet Alex and Faith. Right on schedule, they popped out of the departure lounge, all joy and smiles. What a welcome site. They found the bus ride back up the island fascinating, especially the winding road through the rain forests in St. Lucia’s mountainous interior. By 6pm, they were installed in their small, luxurious hotel – a stones-throw from Rodney Bay beach. They had four nights there and enjoyed sun, the hotel’s pool and the beach so much that they stayed an extra night. We hung out with them and enjoyed it too, frequently dining at the nearby restaurants. One of the highlights of the stay here was the climb to the top of Pigeon Island, exploring the ruins of the fort and the gun batteries.

By March 31st, it was time for the four of us to sail south to Soufriere. I rained almost the whole way down, becoming heaviest as we picked up a mooring in front of the bat cave (a deep crevice in a high rock wall that is home to thousands of bats – cool!). Alex and Bill immediately dinghied ashore to fine a cure for Alex’s raging ear infection. The pharmacy being closed, they were directed to the local hospital. There they found an emergency room solely occupied by a doctor and two nurses. Alex received immediate attention – including a large shot of penicillin to his backside – for a total charge of $19 and was given a prescription for a week’s supply of antibiotics.

The next morning we left the bats to moor at a quieter part of the bay near local fishing boats. There, we were frequently entertained by the pigs kept by the locals on the beach.

The most spectacular aspect of Soufriere is its proximity to the Pitons, rising to three thousand feet from the edge of the bay. One night we taxied up to a restaurant with breath-taking views of both Petit and Grand Pitons and the harbor shinning below. As we sat at our dinning table, it made for a memorable sunset. With sadness, we said goodbye to Alex and Faith on April 2nd as they boarded their taxi bound for the airport at Vieux Fort. We sure hope their visit was as much fun for them as it was for us.
We returned to Rodney Bay and spent ten, or so, days hanging out with fellow cruisers, many of whom for some reason, were Canadians. Pigeon Island, near our anchorage, happens to be home to a cool little restaurant, Jambe des Bois. We enjoyed going there, especially on the weekends when they have live music. One Sunday night, there was a great little jazz combo playing that somehow found out that Pam sings. She was asked to sit in and, (Bill says) was a huge success. As we left, they followed us out and made us promise that she would return, and next time, do a larger set (!).
Photos: Soufriere - pig resting after hard day's play; Soufriere fishing village; atop Pigeon Island - Alex, Bill, Faith & Pam; Alex & Faith at Hotel Ginger Lilly; view from Alex and Faith's hotel room; atop Pigeon Island; Faith takes on Pigeon Island; lunch time at a Soufriere beach pig farm.

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